Larry E. Miley, Sr. bestowed with "Life Active Membership" |
Marshay Ryan and Coach Bob Walker recognized for Marshay's
winning Gold Medals at the 2013 PIAA Championships. |
Coucilmen Elter receives appreciation for assistance on a house fire call |
Robert Hewitt, a former professor of social work at Shippensburg University accepts Donald
"Mike" Waters Citizen of the Year Award presented by Mike's widow Jenny and son Don |
Howard R. "Butch" Leonhard Jr., who had been serving as the acting Emergency Services Chief
for Chambersburg Fire Department since Aug. 5, was hired permanently |
Electric Line Crew
L-R: John Carter, Chuck Piper, Keith Rhine, Rob Roberts |
Corporal Jon Greenawalt being promoted to Sergeant
L-R Chief Arnold, Sgt Greenwalt, his wife Becky, and Retired Sgt Walter Bietsch
Corporal Jon Greenawalt being promoted to Sergeant
L-R Sgt Greenwalt, his wife Becky, and Retired Sgt Walter Bietsch
Corporal Anthony Rosenberry being promoted to Sergeant
L-R Chief Arnold, Sgt Rosenberry, his wife Malena, and kids
Corporal Anthony Rosenberry being promoted to Sergeant
L-R Chief Arnold, Sgt Rosenberry, his wife Malena, and kids
Junior Councilman Robin Shillock being sworn in by Mayor Brown
Officer Shane Good being promoted to Corporal |
Officer Ian Armstrong being promoted to Corporal |
New community services officer Oliver Arispe |
New community services officer Oliver Arispe |
Officer Matthew Bietsch being promoted to Corporal |
Officer Matthew Bietsch being promoted to Corporal |
Officer Matthew Bietsch being promoted to Corporal |
Robin Shillock, Junior Council member, receiving a commendation from Council for his year of service with Borough Council |
New Officers being sworn in |
Eric McGinnis with Family |
Jeremy Whitmore appointed as a new probationary firefighter sworn in by Mayor Brown |
Jenny Waters and Don Waters present the 2015 Mike Waters Chambersburg Citizen of the Year to Sam King |
Junior Councilman Haley Frey being sworn in by Mayor Brown |
Mayor Brown congratulates Junior Councilman Haley Frey upon being sworn in |
Sgt Richard Morrissette appointed as Interim Police Chief |
Newly elected members of Town Council are sworn in to office |
Councilman Bill McLaughlin thanked for his years of service |
Councilman Elaine Swartz thanked for her years of service |
Councilman Brad Elter thanked for his years of service |
Phil Wolgemuth, Assistant to the Borough Manager
Director, Dr. Claire Jantz, Shippensburg University Center for Land Use and Sustainability (CLUS)
Student Carla Johns, Shippensburg University
Chambersburg and Shippensburg University Announce Partnership on Sustainability
Franklin County Historical Society Kittochtinny delivers $39k gift for fixing the Memorial Square Fountain |
Personnel from the Chambersburg Fire Drpartment, Holy Spirit EMS, and Fayetteville Fire Department honored for saving the life of a Borough resident who had a heart attack on Christmas eve. |
Mayor Brown introduces new Police Chief Roland Camacho |
Anthony Chen appointed as a new probationary firefighter sworn in by Mayor Brown |
Chambersburg acting Mayor Allen Coffman swears in Junior Borough Councilman Kennedee Waulk |
Don Waters and Jennie Waters present the 2016 Mike Waters Chambersburg Citizen of the Year award to Salvation Army Sergeant Major Ruthanne Bigler |
New Probationary Police Officers - (L - R) Ryan Shockey, Mathew Hennesy, Cody Morris |
Probationary Police Officers Daniel Signore and Matthew Wade being sworn in at Borough Council by Mayor Brown |
Mayor Brown swears in probationary Firefighter Samuel Nehf |
Mayor Brown swears in probationary Firefighters Robert Barrett and Drew Nunemacher |
Kenedee Waulk being recognised for her service as the Chambersburg Junior Councilman for 2017 |
Paul Cullinane being given the 2017 Mike Waters - Chambersburg Citizen of the Year Award |
District Justice Glenn Manns swears in newly appointed Mayor Walter Bietsch |
Councilman Sean Scott thanked for his years of service |
Councilman Lousia thanked for her years of service |
Councilman Jeremy Cate thanked for his years of service |
Randall Pryor
promoted to Captain in Chambersburg Fire Department |
Councilman Amer Chaudhry, Councilman Heath Talhelm, Councilman Mike Herbert, Councilwoman Barbara Beattie, Councilman Allen Coffman are sworn in as Chambersburg Borough Councilmembers |
Dustin Ulrich is promoted to Chief of the Chambersburg Fire Department; with Chambersburg Borough Manager Jeffrey Stonehill and Stacey Ulrich |
Mayor Walter Bietsch swears in new probationary Chambersburg firefighter Jamie Birfeld. |
Chambersburg Fire Chief Dustin Ulrich congratulates Firefighter Ben Myers upon his promotion to Assistant Fire Chief |
Officer Robert Kirk is presented to Borough Council by Chief Camacho for his promotion to Corporal and to receive the "Award of Achievent" for meritorious service as a Chambersburg Police Officer. |
Backed up by her family, Ms. Maddy Dagnes is sworn in by Mayor Bietsch as the Borough's newest Junior Council Member. |
Chief Camacho introduces new probationary police officer Jerry Boyer |
Chief Camacho receives a $25,000 donation for police training facility from John Massamilla from Wellspan Health and Chambersburg Hospital. |
2019 Town Council |
Council Member Bietsch is thanked for her service |
Mayor Walter Bietsch swears in new probationary firefighter Joseph L. Hruniak |
Caroline Dagnes and Kiara Orellana sworn in by Mayor Bietsch as the Borough's newest Junior Council Members |
Don Waters, the son of Mike Waters, presents Craig Cordell with the annual Mike Waters Chambersburg Citizen of the Year Award. |
At the regular Borough Council Meeting of April 25th, Mayor Kenneth Hock swore in two new Conditional Police Patrol Officers. In the picture is, let to right, Christopher Armbrust, Nicholas Rockwell Jacoby, Police Chief Ron Camacho, and Mayor Kenneth Hock. |
4th Ward Resident Paul Leroy Salmon Turned 100 Years Old On November 3, 2022 |
Lance Walker, Recipient of the 2022 Citizen of the Year Award |
Council President Allen Coffman, and the Mayor of Franklin PA, took the oath together to serve as Members of the Board, with the Pennsylvania Municipal League, a statewide organization in service to Pennsylvania municipalities, on Saturday October 8, 2022, in Pittsburgh, PA |
Council Member Kathy Leedy with the Borough's Melinda Thompson & Jamia Wright helped out building a playground in Pittsburgh on October 5, 2022; organized by statewide officials before the Pennsylvania Municipal League conference hosted there this week. |
Chambersburg Council on September 12, 2022, honors the heroism of employees in the Gas Department who responded to an emergency situation. Jon Mason, Roy Schweizer, John Leary, and Zach Mowers. Not pictured is Devin Todd |
Chambersburg Council President Allen Coffman, Councilman Newcomer, Engineering Supervisor Brian Fogal (and Public Works Director Chuck Nipe not shown) visited https://thinksculpture.com/index.asp in Lancaster on August 30, 2022, to get an update on the restoration of the Memorial Square Fountain. |
Chambersburg Mayor Hock welcomes Kevin Ecke as the newest probationary firefighter for the Borough Fire Department on Monday August 22, 2022. |
Congratulations on their promotions as #Chambersburg Corporal Corey Fegan was promoted to Sergeant and Town Council promoted Chambersburg Detective James Iversen to Corporal on Monday July 11, 2022. Seen here with Mayor Hock. |
On May 17, 2022, Rep Rob Kauffman of #Chambersburg presents a proclamation to Assistant Borough Manager Dave Finch upon his retirement as an employee of the Borough. Congratulations Dave for your years of service to our community. |
On Monday April 25, 2022, Chambersburg Mayor Ken Hock with Police Chief Ron Camacho welcomes 2 new probationary police officers, Christopher Armbrust and Nicholas Rockwell Jacoby, to the Chambersburg Police Department at a swearing-in ceremony before Council, friends, family. |
Chambersburg Council approved a plan to restore Memorial Square Fountain damaged in a single-car accident on Dec-2-2021. Fountain to be removed to A.R.T. Research (http://tinyurl.com/4shapj8j) in Lancaster. Insurance to cover the cost of repairs. |
On January 3, 2022, Chambersburg Council newly appointed President Allen Coffman and newly elected Mayor Kenneth Hock following the 2022 Reorganization Meeting. |
Thank you to Barbara Beattie, Michael Herbert, Dennis Schmaltz, and Heath Talhelm for their years of service on Chambersburg Town Council. Their terms ended on 12-31-21. New Town Council began on 1-3-22. |
On 9/27/21 Dara Taylor named Chambersburg Citizen of the Year in memory of Mike Waters. Dara has for many years dedicated herself to the students of Benjamin Chambers elementary School. She exemplifies spirit of giving back to community that Mike Waters displayed in his life. |
Chambersburg Mayor, Walt Bietsch, performing the oath of office for the Chambersburg Police Department Inspector Meredith Dominick on Thursday, August 25th, in Council Chambers. |
Chambersburg Firefighter Christopher Brown promoted April 23, 2021, by Town Council to Fire Captain. His son pins the new badge on his uniform. |
John Leary, Chambersburg Gas Department Superintendent for the honor of winning of the 2021 American Public Gas Association Distinguished Service Award for his service & dedication to public natural gas in our community & across the USA. |
Chambersburg's Sam Worley has been a busy guy his whole life. Not changing as he celebrates turning 100 on June 13, 2021. A World War II veteran who became well known locally through his work as a politician and banker, Sam served on Town Council, as Mayor & a county commissioner. |
Chambersburg Gas Department received an award from the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia this month. The Gas Authority presented the 2020 Marketing Excellence Award to the Borough on May 6, 2021, for highest customer growth during 2020. |
On 4/2/21, the Chambersburg Police Department promoted Sergeant Jon Greenawalt to Lieutenant, Corporal Robert Kirk Jr. to Sergeant, Patrolman First Class Corey Fegan to Corporal. Promotions after rigorous selection process, testing, interviews & approval by Chambersburg Council. |
Borough Manager Jeffrey Stonehill received his 25 years of local government service award March 3, 2021, from the International City/County Management Assoc. |
Chambersburg Mayor Hock performs the oath of office for Cole Robertson of St. Thomas as a new probationary Police Officer for the Police Department on November 14, 2022. Congratulations! Next stop is the Police Academy at HACC. |