Borough Manager/Director of Utilities
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Municipality
Chambersburg is unique among Pennsylvania municipalities in that we own and operate so many non-profit community enterprises and utilities. To that end, the Borough Manager serves in the duel capacity of Borough Manager and Director of utilities.
The position of Borough Manager is established by State and Local Law. The Borough Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of the municipality. He serves at the pleasure of the Town Council and manages all the day-to-day operations of the organization on their behalf. In addition, he is the Personnel Officer of the Borough, responsible for management of the employees.
The current Borough Manager is: Jeffrey M. Stonehill, ICMA-CM. Jeffrey serves as both the Borough Manager and the Director of Utilities. He was appointed Manager in January 2009. Jeffrey is a credentialed City Manager as recognized by the International City/County Management Association and active in State and Federal governance issues.
In 2019, the Town Council adopted a Resolution lending the services of the Borough Manager to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority for the City of Harrisburg. Formed by Act 124 of 2018, this Commonwealth appointed group of volunteers will be helping Harrisburg with its efforts to manage their finances. Borough Manager Stonehill was officially appointed to assist this group as their Authority Manager.
RESOLUTION APPROVAL TO SHARE SERVICES OF BOROUGH MANAGER WITH ICA HARRISBURGAlso, here's a link to an article on the sharing of the Borough Manager with the ICA Harrisburg: